I’m kind of beginning to think that spring may be on its way but I’m not going to plan too much on it; as it is the month of March and its probably my least favorite month because of its unpredictability. ;) :P Anyways the weather has been warming up and that pulls me out-of-doors at every free moment into the mud and melting snow to go play with my horses. Right now, I have a bright red, wind-burnt face from being out there so much! ;)
Well I should give you a peek at what has kept me busy lately.
The end of February, I went with Britt to help her photograph a wedding 1 ½ hours away. It was really fun and neat to see people we hadn’t seen for over a year or more!
Then we changed all the bedrooms in our house. We still aren’t done organizing two rooms but the rest are finished. :) That was a HUGE project! But it will be nice to have the entire house cleaned out and organized. :) Success… 76 empty hangers.
There’s another “new” horse on our funny farm! Spike is going to be Tabby’s pony. He’s quite the spunky guy and when he first got here, he went for a walk into the back woods. It was pretty exciting until we finally found him (several miles from our house!) But now we have him in a secure enclosure and he hasn’t tried to runaway again. ;) Ponies are so much fun; they sure keep you from having a dull moment. :D Sorry I don't have a very decent pic of Spike. I'll try to get one up here soon. :)
Just this last weekend, Britt and I went to Green Bay. It was a really fun, busy, and; when we got home I realized it was very tiring as well. ;) Britt recorded two CDs and I played a little bit on one. When I was playing a song I suddenly got really lightheaded and would’ve passed out if I hadn’t stopped and rested for a minute or two. It was pretty weird. Something else I did was to “forget” my sunglasses twice (they were actually on the top of my head)! And then, when we were at McDonalds, I didn’t notice that when I put a cover on my water that I had grabbed two lids. I didn’t realize it until we were about done eating. ;) I need blonde hair so I can have an excuse for my “blondness”. :D ;)
The rest of these pictures are just random.
Okay so that’s my life of late. Who knows what will happen next?! :D
Why do I think Tabby has the most awesome hair do?
And for the record people, I don't normally drive with my eyes closed.
This was an awesome post girl! I loved all the pictures and ever thing!
Keep the posts coming!
I love you! ((hugs))
What a coincidence! We've just finished changing rooms also... and what's funny, we also got HUNDREDS of left over hangers!
I have been VERY busy, that is why I haven't sent your letter yet... but I will!! Don't worry... ;)
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