Friday, March 20, 2009

Several Things

:: I can get the giggles really easily-- esp. when I'm bored.

:: Going to Hunter Safety is really boring.

:: Putting the above scenarios together is not a good combination--but I did just that.

:: Sitting in the car in a grocery store parking lot can be quite entertaining

::I saw someone working at said grocery store that looked like a Napoleon Dynamite character (wish I would've taken a picture).

:: Overheard conversation about the news:

my brother: "Dad,..." (something) "..AGI?"

Dad: "You mean AIG?"

brother: "I said 'AIG' last time and you said it was called 'AGI'."

Dad patiently responds: "No, you said 'IGA' last time."

:: Wisconsin can get as windy as Nebraska.

:: I am almost done reading "Do Hard Things" by Alex & Brett Harris. If you are like I was and haven't gotten it yet, I highly recommend you buy this book!

:: I like my horses!!!!!

:: You're probably wondering what in the world has gotten into me to say such random things. Don't worry, I am too.

:: I think this guy is cute and has an interesting way of doing things! vv

:: I love the above mentioned guy!! <3

:: I need to stop so people don't think I'm a mental case.

:: They probably already do think I'm a mental case!


Becc@ said...

I *love* your new post! It was so fun to read!
I love the "Do Hard Things" book too! It was amazing!

Btw, I love the new links on the side of your blog... although the one is Wretched! :D haha.

Deborah said...

LOL! I liked your random post too! I really like your new background and pic. So cute!

Anonymous said...

I have NO idea why you'd think we think you're crazy... really, NO idea.
Ya, I agree with the rest of the girls! The new thingamy-duda is cool and the pic is really sweet!
And wow, you have ME in your links!! :D Twice!!!!!!! Ö

Mia said...

Hi Joy!

Thanks for the comment, I'm glad you like my blog!

I'm reading "Do Hard Things" right now. It's a great book.

And I love what you said about sitting in parking lots! I feel the same way : )

Nice to meet you!