It's hard to believe that we're already into the month of November! October fairly FLEW past! Lots of events happened last month... one of which I wouldn't have wished for in the whole entire world!
On the fateful day of October 16th 2009, Archie, my dear, smart, loving, raised from a puppy, awesomest dog ever, disappeared!!! We have no idea what happened. He just vanished. :'(
Now, I think that it is really dumb when people who make a huge deal when their little, bratty, yapping dog died or got lost, as if it was a human being. But my dog is NONE of the above sentence. He is incredibly smart, was good with little kids, knew many tricks (he taught us most of them), very obedient (under most circumstances) and even had an uncanny sense of reading your emotions-- if you were sad, he would sit near you, offering his comfort; if you were happy, he would be beside himself with joy. Life is not the same with out him. I miss him terribly! I'm still holding on to a hope that he will come back, although he has been gone over 2 weeks without anyone seeing a sign of him. :'(

But I will move on before I make you (or myself) start crying. :P :/
In other news... I have set up an
Etsy account! I've been looking for ways to make a little money and I'm hoping that I will be successful! :) Wish me luck!
As I was posting an ad on Etsy for a baby afghan I had made, I realized that the blanket was TWO toned!!! Waaaaaaa. But, I decided to go ahead and post it but just price it lower than I was intending. looks very nice here ^^...Because it is only noticeable on pictures. That's how I found out, while I was editing a pic-- I honestly couldn't tell in person.

...but, if you will notice, the top half is a darker shade than the bottom...ugh
On to the next subject... My (not so little) little brother shot himself an 8 point buck last week. His first deer, as well his first one to get with a bow. He was very happy to say the least! He's still talking about it a whole week later! I was kinda bummed though, I was planning on getting a deer before he did, but he beat me to it. Oh well, I'll just have to get a bigger one. :)
Note: the following picture may not be for the sensitive stomach or the tender hearted person who hates to see a dead animal... my apologies. Proceed at your own risk.

Okay so maybe it's not TOO horrible looking. Though I assure you, it's the best looking pic out of the dozen or so taken of the ill fated buck.
On a happier note, we have a new puppy. A wiggly, joyful, little blur of energy called LeBeau (as of this moment, some family members are threatening to change it). He is named after the little French man on Hogan's Heroes. Mom, Levi, and Tabby found him and his 2 brothers while they were visiting a friend's thrift store in our home town.

They only took LeBeau (amazingly) and when I saw his cute little self, I couldn't help but fall in love. When you hold him, he's adorably cuddly, but the second you put him down, he's bouncing around as fast as his short feet can carry him, with his tail a blur of motion. :)

So there you have it... my life of late... sortof. I might be missing out somethings but I don't have time enough to tell you as I have a whole stack of supper dishes to load into the dishwasher... and, we are going to watch Little Women later on!!! :) Toodloo!