Need a recipe for crazy fun?
- Take three girls, all with hilariously random imaginations
- a tiny park
- & three swings.
Put it all together on a beautiful, summer day.
The results may vary but in our case it was: lisping w/ British accents, making up a lisped song about swinging, and laughing, and scheming about-well... nevermind. ;)
The final product may look odd to a normal person, but when you happen to be the kind of girl with a funny imagination, you will understand perfectly. Right, Bailey and Anna? ;)
Besides... "Being normal is weird, but being weird, is normal."
Wow Hannah, that was an adorable post!!! :D That was thoooo much fun!!! I mith you guyth!!
Yeah, it's incredible what can happen when such three girls get together, right?
I miss you both!! Loved spending time with you!!
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