Friday, October 06, 2006

Prayer Request

This girl's mom has been diagnosed with brain cancer and has 1 year to live. Keep them in your prayers!

You can read about their story here.

I can relate to this, as my Gram'a Norma was diagnosed with brain cancer this spring.
She was healed only through prayers. And I know this lady can very well be too if it's God's will.


Becc@ said...

Thanks so much for sharing.
I will be praying for her!

Anonymous said...

Hey Hannah! I will so definitly pray for her!

Tell your family hello!


joygirl said...

Thanks Becc@ and Michelle!

Danielle said...

Thank you so much! My mom is the one with brain cancer. I'm not sure how you found out about my Mom, but I do belive, like your gradma, that my Mom will be healed through prayer. You can't imagine how much this means to me!

May the Lord bless you!