Wednesday, March 29, 2006


Brittney and I got some pics taken together with Archie. This one was the best. (Archie wasn't cooperating)


Hannah Michelle said...

Awwwwwwww....I LOVE the picture!! You and Britt (and the doggie) are sooo adorable together!

Hannah Michelle

Hannah Michelle said...

Dear me...I just realized that's the second post in a row in which I've used "awww" and "adorable".(But it's true!) Must be favorite phrases of mine, you think?! LOL!

Anonymous said...

I think that that Britt just wants to use her new camara!=)

Brittney said...

What's this?? The idea was TABBY wanted to use Britt's new camera.


Sisters. They use that thing waaaaaaaaaaaaaay more than I do! Seriously!

Anonymous said...

Oh, that was very handy!